When To Take Probiotics: For Maximum Output

When To Take Probiotics

So, when to take probiotics? Sadly, not a lot of people are aware that more than 80% of the immune system is actually in the gut which makes it extremely important to take care of the intestinal tract for a healthy well-being.

These come in the form of bacteria in the gut. Now, you may think that the word bacteria is only associated with something bad. However, there are different kinds of bacteria. And in the case of our intestinal tract, those that reside in there are good bacteria.

The issues these days mostly is our lifestyle. Due to the use of heavy antibiotics, processed foods, sugar and so on, it affects our intestinal tract and kills all the good bacteria which are meant for our well-being. This is where the use of probiotic makes a lot of sense.

Probiotics are jam-packed with 3 billion live bacteria which help replace the lost good bacteria and helps us achieve a safe and healthy balance in our gut.

There are many benefits of taking probiotics on a regular basis, such as they lower the blood pressure, they lower cholesterol, produce more Vitamin K1, aid in digesting lactose, help prevent cavities, and several others. But one thing that is not spoken more commonly is when to take probiotics.

Yes, it is good to take probiotics for your well-being. However, when taken at the right time, it provides maximum output. So, in this article, we are going to be speaking about when to take probiotics.

There are several probiotics in the market. Some of them come in the form of a tablet, while some of them come in the form of a drink. Once you have decided to consume probiotics, research on which one you are most likely to take. There are quite a few brands you can choose from. Each of them may differ slightly from each other.

When to Take Probiotics: Is There an Exact Timing?

Now that you have selected which one suits your needs and preference the most, the most important question arises. When should you have your probiotic?

Before a meal or after? In the morning, in the evening or in the night? There are also different kinds of probiotics. Some are packaged in a manner that they are in a time-release capsule, while some are not. The manufacturer will explicitly mention on the packaging if the capsules are indeed time-release capsules.

It is better to take probiotics at a particular time rather than any time. Because you want the most out of your probiotic supplement, rather than letting it get to waste when it interacts with food or with the antibiotics you consume.

There is also a lot of trial and error involved in this process. Some people are advised to have it on an empty stomach. But some people complain that they get stomach pain when they consume probiotics on an empty stomach.

An ideal time theorized by several medical practitioners is at bedtime. At bedtime, the intestinal tract has minimal activity. By this, we mean that the pH level of the gut is relatively low.

When the stomach has less acid in it, this means that there will be a higher chance of the bacteria from the probiotic to attach itself to the stomach lining. And moreover, not just attach itself but also be able to thrive well.

The advantage of taking probiotics before bedtime is that you end up avoiding those pesky side effects of probiotics such as bloating and passing gas. At the very least, even if you do have them, you will mostly end up sleeping through them.

One thing you need to ensure when you have your probiotic before bedtime is that you need to have your meal a couple of hours before so that your stomach is not working to digest your meal and your stomach acids are also lesser. This means no midnight snacks too!

The worst time to consume probiotic supplements is during, right before or after your meal. As mentioned above, these are the times when the stomach acid is at its highest to digest the food. Also, it also damages the bacteria in the probiotic.

Something crucial that all miss out on is having probiotic supplements in tandem with your antibiotics. An essential tip is that you should keep as much possible time difference between having your antibiotics and your probiotic supplements.

This is mainly because how antibiotics are made. Antibiotics are designed to destroy bacteria. When consumed with probiotic supplements, antibiotics end up killing even the good bacteria that is present in the probiotic supplements. This renders the probiotic supplements entirely useless.

These days probiotics come in the form of topical treatment as well. They are becoming more and more accessible for people with skin conditions. Women use topical probiotics vaginally for yeast infections too. Use of topical probiotics can be done at any time. The issues associated with consuming probiotics does not apply to topical probiotics.

Tips for having probiotics: If you find yourself suffering from side effects when you have probiotics, consistently switch them up to find what fits you best. If the problem persists, do not hesitate to consult your physician.

It is not absolutely essential that you stick to just one time to have your probiotic supplement. Even if you forget to take them for a day, some of the bacteria manage to last within the intestinal tract which does its job.

It is highly important to know that probiotic supplements are not always beneficial. For instance, some people who have impaired immune systems (e.g., individuals who are on immunosuppressant drugs such as chemotherapy or rheumatoid arthritis medications), probiotic drinks can actually turn out to be potentially dangerous. If you are unsure with regards to anything with the probiotic supplements, visit your doctor first.

At the end of the day, whether you take the probiotic supplement in the morning or in the night is absolutely your choice, as long as you know you get the maximum output out of it. By now, you have enough information at your disposal with regards to probiotic supplements. We wish you a very healthy life!

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